Sunday, September 16, 2012

What Is It? (Round 1)

     I decided that people who are not yet birders could use some practice identifying birds that sit still... which means birds in photographs. So here it is: What Is It, Round 1!
     Grab a field guide (if you don't own one, they're available at the library) and try to figure out what species this is a photo of. Post your answer as a comment. Please do not just copy other peoples' answers--that's cheating! Also, no random guessing! Spend some time considering its appearance, habitat, and behavior rather than jumping to conclusions. Remember, I want the name of the species, not just "it's a bird!" or "it's a yellow bird!"
photo by the author
     Hint: this cute little guy was flitting around in the conifers in my backyard (a.k.a. somewhere in central Illinois) during spring migration.
     The correct answer will be posted along with the next What Is It (expect 1-2 weeks between those... depends on how many good pictures I take).
     Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. It reminds me of a kiwi. From my fruitless research, I have come to the conclusion that it may be a warbler. OOH, actually, I think I might have found it (or something very similar). Cape May Warbler? Doesn't seem to be all that prevalent around here other than for migration (the hint!), and apparently it likes hanging out in suburban yards during migration as well. Do I win a prize?
